2:12 PM

10 epics to go

Cloak = [Cloak of the Black Void]
Gloves = [Studious Wraps]
Leggings = [Spellstrike Pants]
Rings = [Signet of the Violet Tower] [Khorium Band of Shadows]
Trinkets = [Darkmoon Card: Crusade] and [Icon of the Silver Crescent]
Weapons = [Gladiator's Gavel]
Offhand = [Orb of the Soul-Eater]
Wand = [Carved Witch Doctor's Stick] .

After 2 months of casual approach, this is what's left to be done.

Will get Gavel and orb first and then I think I am ready for Karazhan.

Will swap cloak of the black void with shadow cloak of dalaran ( if i'm lucky to get it drop :p)
Get exalted with Cenarion buddies and Ashyen's Gift is mine.

My cirit burst will only start after 9 June after perayaan 43 tahun silat cekak in UIA. RL comes first :)


Ayub.skod.mg said...

nice one. kalau dpt setelkan fyp aku before bukak sem & sem dpn duduk kampung. jumpe kat durotar. /w gengkey gimme 250g kthxbye.