9:24 AM

New Blog

Let this blog rot here. I'm moving to ashrafkhamzah.blogspot.com.

12:33 AM


Actually I decided to quit and sell my accounts. Tetibe rasa sayang pulak kat Gengkey ni... total time played 34 days xx hours xx min. That's the last time i checked with /played. So I will just let Gengkey rot in my account, and wait until the spirit to explore Northrend come back.

Good luck Irdaq & Minerva. /salute

And all my friends there. RL or online.

Farewell thottbot, curse.com, wowwiki.com, shadowpriest.com, elitistjerk. No more bookmark.

Goodbye World of Warcraft.

p/s: (dota here i come back to you.. hahaha)